19.86 Restaurant


19.86 Restaurant

The 19.86 Restaurant is located in the Food Hall of the Canalejas Gallery, beneath the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel, right in the heart of Madrid. Here, Chef Rubén Arnanz, one of the youngest to be recognized with a Michelin star, surprises us with the new Castilian cuisine. The interior design project, carried out by Stone Designs, incorporates our Anvil Spot S and Canalejas T lighting fixtures, the last one being custom-made for the restaurant. The Anvil Spot S was chosen in a black finish to make the spotlights blend in discreetly. Highly concentrated spotlights were selected to project light specifically onto each of the tables while also playing with the shadows. The lighting performance is very high as the entire piece is made of aluminum and it provides excellent heat dissipation. Canalejas T, on the other hand, is a table luminaire attached to the base, where the installation makes both the base and the luminaire a single unit. It is a completely special design that started from scratch with the goal of providing low-profile lighting that would not disturb diners but would, at the same time, have wide coverage, all within a minimal size. The light spreads 360 degrees around the light source, thus avoiding any potential shadows that the luminaire itself might create.

Function: Collections

Collections: Anvil

Project Products
Anvil Spot

Arquitectural Lighting Collections

Anvil Spot

Anvil Spot CR Double Anvil Spot CR Single Anvil Spot S Anvil Spot SR

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