Revival Café


Revival Café

Revival Café takes inspiration from the aesthetics of the 1950s and 1960s, reflecting the iconic American Mid Century style that captivated an entire generation and became the epitome of design and modernity during its era. The use of glass as a light-diffusing element in the featured collections (C_Ball and Misko) creates an exceptionally warm ambiance while also preventing direct light beams that could cause glare. These materials, in combination with warm lighting intertwined with the automotive theme as a fundamental element, convey a sense of calm that encourages long conversations around the automobile industry.

Project Products
C_Ball S

Decorative Lighting Suspension lamps

C_Ball S

C_Ball S 1 C_Ball S 2

C_Ball System

Decorative Lighting Lighting Systems

C_Ball System

Learn more
C_Ball T

Decorative Lighting Table lamps

C_Ball T

C_Ball T

C_Ball W

Decorative Lighting Wall lamps

C_Ball W

C_Ball W 1L C_Ball W 2L C_Ball W Number

Misko S

Decorative Lighting Suspension lamps

Misko S

Misko S 15 Misko S 25 Misko S 35 Misko S 2 Misko S 3

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